Securities offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc., A Registered Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC and Advisory services offered through Osaic Wealth, Inc. An SEC Registered Investment Advisor Ken L Stone, Representative.
Stone Financial Retirement Plan and Osaic Wealth, Inc. are separate entities.
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Looking for a retirement plan that strives to provide you with comfortable inflation-adjusted income for life?
If you are approaching retirement, or already retired, use the calculator below to find out if you've saved enough to meet your income goals.
Launch CalculatorYou'll want to be cautious about the strategy you use to generate monthly income. Watch the movie below to learn what kind of retiree you are.
Play MovieYou need to carefully design your strategy for monthly income. Why? Your total savings amount isn't high relative to the income you expect to generate. This means less margin for error. Review The 3 Big Risks™ and how to manage them.
* When utilizing annuities for guaranteed income, these guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.